The Georgia Cheerleading Coaches Association (GCCA) was established during the 1993-1994 school year by Georgia cheerleading coaches with the purpose of educating coaches throughout the state so as to improve their skill and technique in working with cheer athletes, both spirit and competitive, in the school systems within Georgia.
Today, our goals remain the same: to promote, develop, and support cheerleading, cheerleading coaches, and cheer athletes in the state of Georgia; to advance cheerleading as a sport through the understanding of safety and technical skills; and to continually foster a working relationship with the Georgia High School Association (GHSA).
We aim to offer training that emphasizes safety, technical skills, and sportsmanship as outlined in the National Federation Spirit Rules book and GHSA publications. In addition, the GCCA seeks to act as a unifying voice for coaches across the state to advance the sport of cheerleading.
We also strive to recognize superior cheerleading athletes and coaches through the Cheerleader of the Year / All-State Cheerleading Scholarship Program, the Ashley Taube Georgia Cheerleading Coach of the Year Award, and the Georgia Cheerleading Team of the Year Award. These awards are made in conjunction with the Georgia Athletic Coaches’ Association (GACA).
In addition to our quarterly membership newsletter, continual email rules clarifications, and annual spring conferences, we are working to build relationships with dance coaches and to promote the Game Day championship sponsored by the GHSA. Please let your voice be heard by joining our organization. Along with the benefits mentioned above, members also gain one million dollars of liability insurance through our dual membership in the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS).
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a member of our leadership team today.
Stacey Schmuhl
GCCA President
Members of the GCCA are eligible to nominate senior cheerleaders for the Georgia Cheerleader of the Year Scholarship Award, GCCA Team of the Year, and the Ashley Taube Coach of the Year.